Thursday, April 26, 2018

3 BLIND MICE - April 25, 2018

Hello Sun Hills Ladies!

WOW!  What a great day for golf we had this week!  And it showed on the scoring for 3 Blind Mice.  We had the folks at Sun Hills choose our "Mice" for us and they were 3, 6, 9, 11, 16 & 18.  We took your net score and subtracted the total of the "Mice" from that. 

Thanks to the 37 ladies who came out and supported us this week.  Congrats to the winners!

Monday, April 23, 2018

GUTTS - April 18, 2018

Greetings Ladies!

Week 3 is now in the books.  We had 32 ladies come out to enjoy some Guttsy golf!  What with the greens shedding the winter blues and all, there were some pretty good putters going out there.  Congrats to all you winners!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

LOW GROSS - April 11, 2018

Hello Sun Hills Ladies!

The first week of competition is in the books!  We had 33 ladies come out to take advantage of the lovely mild day.  To get us started, we just had a straight Low Gross round.  There was some darn good shooting! 

Before the winners are revealed, there are just a couple of things that need mentioning...first, according to our By-Laws, during league play there MUST be at least 2 league members in your group in order for the round to be valid.  Lady guests are welcome but we always need 2 league members.

Second, for the ladies who are in the process of establishing handicaps, I am calculating a temporary handicap for flighting purposes.  This temporary handicap is based on rounds played during league play.  I encourage you to play and record casual rounds of golf in order to establish your handicap as soon as possible.  You need 5 - 18 hole rounds or 10 - 9 hole rounds.  Even if you just play 9 holes outside of league play, record it.  You will get your handicap faster!

Now, without further ado...Congrats to the winners of our Low Gross POD.  Your winnings will be on the books.



Greetings Sun Hills Ladies!

What a FUN Opening Social Icebreaker we had!  We were able to golf and meet members of our league that we ordinarily would not have been able to with having the luxury of golfing throughout the day.  We hope you all enjoy our welcome to 2018 gift.  The purple blankets came in handy for some of us towards the end of the night.

We would like to thank Ralph for the delicious soups, homemade rolls and tasty strawberry shortcake.  The perfect meal for a chilly evening.

We would like to welcome Brandi Hamada, Britney Krage, Kris Dietrich, Darlene Dickerson and Carolyn Roberts to our league!  We are happy you chose to join Sun Hills Ladies!  We LOVE getting new members!

Also, we want to welcome Kay Macfarlane back to the league.  She had to take a few years off due to health issues, but now she's back and ready to go! 



Sun Hills Ladies!

We would like to welcome another sponsor to our Sun Hills Ladies Golf League.  SHADETREE AUTOMOTIVE is now a sponsor for our Club Championship!  Their generous donation will allow us to be able to offer a larger purse for the Championship!

There is a link to Shadetree Automotive here on the BLOG.  We encourage our members to support Shadetree for your automotive needs!