Friday, September 25, 2020

Letter from the Board.


Hi there ladies!  With the craziness of 2020 .... I am so glad we ended up being able to have a league and play some golf this year; even though we didn't get to have the socials!  Here's hoping that we'll get to do more of that next season!   Thank you to all of you dedicated ladies that help make our league a success!  And thank you for sticking with us through this very strange and stressful season!

The weather is absolutely beautiful right now!  Perfect golf weather if you ask me!  I've talked with Mike, and we have decided that we will continue

to have league play through the end of October ... weather permitting.  So if the weather suddenly turns cold ... we'll have to call it quits for a few months.  So if we are lucky, we might be able to get five more weeks of play in.  Yippee!  

However, since the number of ladies coming out right now is a little lower, for the remainder of this season, we will be combining the nine and eighteen hole leagues together for the play of the day payouts.  Our 18 hole players can continue to play 18 holes, but the play of the day will be figured out on only the nine holes that our nine holers are playing that day.   That will enable us to have a few more ladies in each flight and make the pay out a little easier to figure out each week.  Thank you for your understanding. 

 Because of the COVID-19 restrictions still in place, we will be unable to have a closing social this year.   We haven't used much of the money in our account this year because of the restrictions, so we will leave all the remaining money in our account, and use it next year.  We will lower our yearly dues to just $25 next year.  Then we will add those dues to what we have left this year and use it to run the league and hopefully have socials next season!   Since we are not having a closing social, we will be unable to select new officers in the usual manner.   However, if there are any of you ladies who are interested in being an officer for this league next year, please respond to this email and let me know.  If we have volunteers, we will have a vote via email.

Also, just a reminder that if you have any winnings left in your account from last season, they need to be spent in the clubhouse by the end of this month; so by September 30th.  Any money you were lucky enough to win this year can be kept in your account and carried over until next year to spend.  

If any of you have any questions, suggestions, or complaints, please respond to this email with those as well.  We would love to expand our league and make it one that everyone wants to play on.  So if you have friends who like to golf, invite them to join us next year.  The more the merrier!  

Thanks bunches guys!

Karen Mitchell - President

Vardell Laursen - Secretary/Treasurer

Jan Keim  - Tournament Chair


Sept 23

congratulations to the winners... Picture of Sunhills... love fall golf.

Friday, September 4, 2020