Hi there ladies!
I hope you have all had
a nice winter. But if you are anything like me ... enough is
enough! I'm ready for sunshine and golf!
With all the snow that
we still have on the ground, it's hard to believe that our league is scheduled
to start in about six weeks!
But it is that time! Yay!!! I hope you are all planning on joining us again this year!
The opening social is
scheduled for Wednesday, April 5th ,
and the first day of league play will be the following week, on April
league registration form is attached to this email. I have included it in
both PDF and JPEG format to ensure that everyone has
to it. If you have any questions, please contact me. Please
fill out the registration form and return it to me no later than
March 27th.
share this email with friends or family that you think might enjoy playing on
our league! Looking forward to seeing all of you.
Let's have a fun season!!!