Tuesday, March 24, 2020

letter from SunHills    Mike is working with the Dept. of Health, and Davis County  to try to keep the course open.. Please be patient .. and remember this is temporary... you can use your passes  you just need to call the golf course first....  This is long '---- and  there are 2 emails.   the second explains the leagues play

Sun Hills Golf Course is Staying Open....at least for the time being. We will have the following changes based on the mandates from the Davis County Health Department. As long as these are followed we may be able to stay open. 
These are our "Curbside Operating Procedures". 

Sun Hills wants to keep our employees safe and keep our customers and community safe by following these procedures-

-Tee times are mandatory, No walk ons. (Singles-call the pro shop for instructions)
-Tee times will be spaced out to every 12 minutes. (Less Crowded)
-Reservation can be made through our website (sunhillsgolf.com) and either go to Book a Tee Time, or on the top menu, Fast Tee Times. Follow the procedures for either way to prebook and prepay online.
-We will be taking reservations only 2 days in advance. (mostly in order to see what the weather is going to be so we don't have a lot of cancellations and refunds or rainchecks going out).
-Or Call the Pro Shop to reserve  and pay at that time over the phone. (This is the only way for those with punch passes and discount cards or juniors)  (801)771-4814
- We will have a "Curbside Procedure" for checking in paid players and assigning carts when you get to the front door of the clubhouse.  

Our Rates will be more uniform so everyone can pre pay online: $40 green fee with cart on the weekdays, and $44 on Saturday and Sunday. ($26 walking on weekdays and $30 on Weekends. Half of those prices for 9 holes.
For those with punch passes or other discounts, you must call the pro shop and prepay at that time. 

Golf carts will be thoroughly washed and sanitized after each use. 

The Driving Range will be open. You must enter the proshop and pay with credit card for the range balls. 

The Cafe will be telephone orders and credit card payments only. Call the cafe and they will bring the food/drinks to you!! Please support Ralph and his staff at this tough time!! 

The Pro Shop Merchandise will be unavailable for now. 

We ask for your patience and cooperation with these new procedures. It may take a few days to work out all the kinks. But doing this is better than closing!

Sun Hill Association Member,
You should have received an email just a while ago detailing the new "Curbside Procedures" for the immediate future. I just wanted to clarify what this means for our Association Members. We plan on proceeding with the opening of the season for the Men's Association on March 30, 31. And the Ladies Association on April 8th. 
The Procedures will still need to be followed, by calling the pro shop for your tee times and paying with a credit card at that time. You can simply pay the regular rates plus the weekly entry fee. If you have a punch card you may only have to pay the entry fee. It still must be done prior to playing and with a credit card. NO CASH! 
The times will only be  available 2 days in advance
Carts will be available, 1 rider unless you are in the same household, or you just drove up with your riding partner. 

Ladies- there will not be a social, dinner, or shotgun on the 8th of April. Just start play that day with your regular groups. 

Couples League- We will still plan on starting on May 7th, until we hear differently. We can easily take your Entry Fees over the phone as you sign up for your "tee time" even though it is s shotgun. We just need to be very careful about "Social Distancing" when gathering for the instructions and getting tee assignments. 

Men's Association Opening Social will be a tee timed event without a meeting afterward. We will be in touch with the process for signing up for that event. 

We all hope to get back to normal procedures in a few weeks, but for the time being we have to do things differently to stay open for play.Stay safe and healthy.

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